Friday, March 23, 2007


But Clay, how'd you get that big motorcycle up there on the high dive anyhow?

  • Deadspin wonders why no one complains about NCAA games that go past midnight in the East -- the way they do with the World Series. Meantime, The Big Lead is advising Greg Oden to go to the pros ASAP.
  • Leafs fans: Stop scoreboard-watching. If the boys in blue win six of their last nine (which won't come easy, of course), they'll get in the playoffs. Buffalo owes the Leafs a couple.
  • Would you believe those PhotoBucket puritans deleted the Michelle Rodriguez pic which ran, apropos of nothing, with our St. Louis Cardinals preview? It "violated Photobucket's terms of service." I'd like to tell them what else they can violate...

    ... anyway, that meant scouring the web for a new one. Tough work.
  • The Arizona Cardinals recently fired receivers coach Richie Anderson after he was picked up in a john sweep. It was actually the most successful sweep ever run that involved the Cardinals.

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