(Before the fall: The author at age 21 -- eight years, 40 lbs. and two Minnesota Vikings NFC conference champion game losses ago. Boy, Neate, you lost a lot of hair.)
Nice to see our patron saint of sports bloggers, Deadspin editor Will Leitch, featured in a glowing Toronto Star profile. It's only a passing reference, but of course there is the obligatory explanation of "You're With Me, Leather":
"... the joke quickly slid subtly into broadcasts as high profile as MSNBC, ESPN and MTV, and as low as a University of Guelph football game." (italics mine)
Yes, that last one was mine. Not to hone in on Mr. Leitch's thunder, but the reference made during a Guelph football game likely came to the Star reporter's attention via a link Deadspin granted this blog on Sept. 9.
That day, Guelph was being beaten soundly by the Queen's Golden Gaels and yours truly noted how the CFRC play-by-play man not-so-subtly dropped references to YWM, L after two touchdown catches by receiver Brad Smith, who ended up hooking up with quarterback Dan Brannagan for four TDs that day.
The play-by-play guy shamelessly referencing YWM, L may have put a hex on Brannagan and Smith, who haven't connected on a touchdown toss since the Guelph game. They came oh-so-close in Saturday's overtime win over York, but -- get this -- Smith fumbled on the 1-yard line after a 60-yard gain.
Smith had a TD catch in the Ottawa game on Oct. 7, but it was thrown by backup QB Ibrahim Zylstra. Brannagan has only two touchdown tosses, and both have been to Queen's other starting slotback, Rob Bagg. Strange days, indeed.
So it's not the offensive scheme or the defences that are at the root of Queen's problems. It was a play-by-play guy who reads Deadspin. When in doubt, blame the campus media. Just kidding, CFRC guys... you guys are the champs.
Deadspin: Not Your Dad's Sports Page (Toronto Star)
"You're With Me Leather" Is Now Officially Dated (Sept. 9)
That's all for now. Send your thoughts to neatesager@yahoo.ca.
Dan Szymborski FanGraphs Chat – 1/23/25
55 minutes ago
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