Jones blew the save in the Jays' 10-5 win, but before the game, put one over on a loud-mouthed fan in the seats behind Detroit's right-field bullpen, as Batter's Box correspondent Thomas Ayers reported:
"The guy was shouting down to him, insults, and Jones was being a good sport and shouting back. This was in BP. So they kept going back and forth. Then Jones went into the bullpen and clubhouse to do some tosses. So the guy started yelling at (Tigers pitcher Justin) Verlander.With this new knowledge, Jones comes off almost as a sympathetic figure. Sure, he's getting nothing on his pitches and his ERA looks like the interest rate on a credit card, but he's still got his sense of humour. With that in mind, let's here's hoping he turns his season around -- once the Tigers leave town.
"We were in the 100 outfield seats. And as the guy's yelling at Verlander (I'm like a section over), all of a sudden I see all the Tigers on the field laughing. I look over and I see Todd Jones standing beside the guy with his arm over his shoulder insulting him into his ear.
"Jones had apparently gone through the tunnels and whatever into the stands and had gone into concourse and had snuck down into the stands beside the guy while he (and the rest of us there) were oblivious."
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