Monday, April 06, 2009

Coming up next, Curling For Loonies

It's no "Oh, you'll win her back, eh, and b) we're closing in 10 minutes," and it can't hold a candle to Bart and Milhouse being on the Canada Olympic basketball team ("Wow, that was close — you can be centre"). However, The Simpsons referenced Canada right off the hop in last night's episode.

A Mid-Atlantic Hockey League conference semi-final do-over game. Nice. It's a total coincidence, but Canadian curler John Morris dropped a Simpsons reference into an interview today about being recognized in public:
"There are some nights when you just want to put on the ’Guy Incognito’ costume and go in and no one knows who you are and you can just go have a beer with your buddies."
What if Don Cherry were an animated French Canadian? (Bitter Leafs Fan; clip via Awful Announcing)

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