Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Granted, if the N.Y. Post has any credibility, it's strictly an accident:
WHICH recently disgraced sports figure is trying to win back fans, and of course, score a homerun for his bank account by writing a tell all memoir that promises to name names?

Barry Bonds? Mark McGwire? Of the two, McGwire made less money during his career, and who knows, maybe someone figured that a mea-culpa memoir might do some image rehab. It's hard to imagine that Bonds would really think that a book could help him in the court of public opinion.


Dennis Prouse said...

How about Michael Vick? It must be awfully tempting for Ron Mexico to start naming names of all the other NFLers who were into the dog fighting scene.

sager said...

Didn't think of that... isn't the "homerun" a tip-off it's a baseball figure?

Dennis Prouse said...

Yeah, but "score a home run"? The mixed sports metaphor may suggest that it's not a baseball person, given that the writer surely isn't facile with sports terminology.

sager said...

Well, having known an entertainment reporter or two, I have met a few who would not call themselves sports-literate.

At least not as sports-literate as the sports guys tend to be pop culture literate...

sager said...
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