Monday, July 25, 2011

Well worth the weight loss (so far)

Weight, BMI, body-fat percentages, who needs those? These before and after photos better illustrate progress (and probably explain why the non-paying-gig blog posts have dried up). Personally, exercising and eating clean have become high priority since mid-April. There is a lot of work yet to be done, of course.


Greg said...

Awesome and inspiring. Good work.

Bill Hunt said...

Congrats. Just getting going on running and being more careful with what I eat, and when. Great inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Hey Greg:
Well done ... that's awesome! A couple of years ago I wrote a blog while working for the Guelph Mercury ... and it's incredible how going public with your weight loss can keep you motivated. Great work!

Amer Murad said...

Brother Neate,
You Look Great, great commitment and always good to hear you are doing great.


Superfun Happy Slide said...

Great work, man.

From my calculations, you still have a couple of years of athletic eligiblity left.


In all seriousness, congrats on the lifestyle change and commitment.

Still, that doesn't excuse your lack of awesome blog posts or bitchy critique. Cmon, we need your perspective of the CCES and the task force findings.

Best of Luck,
Happy Slide

sager said...

When they actually find something of note, I'll be sure to comment. Thanks. Been busy with the paying gig.

AnneG said...

Hey- good for you man! I recently lost some weight as well. Try this blend for breakfast...does great things. Good luck. Guru Juice

women obgyn said...

Congratulations! I know you will make it, just always be positive.

06410 Moving Company said...

Just always be positive.Good luck!