It's a pleasure to spread the word Kinger received a bursary award from Sports Media Canada during its annual self-back-patting gala last weekend in Toronto. It's a huge honour and one hopes the adjective also applies to the amount of the cheque.
" 'The guy is very good,' notes Toronto Sun TV critic Bill Harris after reviewing King’s demos. 'He's calm … better than a lot of guys working professionally today that I've seen … I say show him the money!' "It's nice to see him identified as "Tyler King of Bath, Ontario." It's nicer that he won. The niciest part is anticipating saying, "I knew him when," as his crony, associate and well-wisher, in that I don't wish him any specific harm.
Tyler seems to learns so much each year that you figure he must look back and go, "Wow, I wasn't that smart 12 months ago," even though he is one of the smartest people in the room. A lot of people get into the media and just go with what worked before, lather, rinse and repeat, without even contemplating whether the audience is being served. Kinger always strives to find what works and reshape it to tell a better story. Tyler is not a tack-to-the-middle type, which is going to carry him a long way.
Whatever he gets, he gives back tenfold. It was true at CFRC 101.9 and TV Cogeco in Kingston in 2007, 2008 and '09 and it will be true in 10 years. Way to go, Kinger.
The other recipient was Jesilou Tongio, a Ryerson student. The correct spelling of her name was obtained from her Twitter. Take note, OMDs. (Robert Carnell at Salt Water Music will be the only one to get the joke.)
Kingston Whig-Standard sports editor Mike Koreen is a previous winner, as his brother, Eric Koreen, now of the National Post.
LOL. Yep, found her Twitter page afterwards with the way to spell it.
And she left a comment that I was the one who pointed out the multiple spelling mistakes to her. :)
It's great to see Tyler has got a lot of supporters. Was watching this YouTube video of him (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sff9bl_xJ94) and the audio delay threw me off before I realized Tyler's voice was his. He sounds and looks like a real pro!
Oh, I actually noticed the spelling errors in the SMC Journal distributed at the awards ceremony. But I figured three spelling mistakes was a lost cause anyway and wasn't worth pointing out, LOL.
Thanks for clearing that up, guys!
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