Thursday, September 11, 2008

$300,000? That's exactly what Mav's marshmallow squares bring in!

Instead of a statue of Sir John A. Macdonald in front of the K-Rock Centre, Kingston will have to settle for one of John Turner ("He's history's greatest monster!"):
"Revenues at the K-Rock Centre are anticipated to be more than $300,000 short of the $922,000 budgeted for the 10 months the arena is open in 2008.

"... (Kingston city councillor Vicki Schmolka) said the Kingston Frontenacs hockey team will also have to do well to attract fans. The team, she said, is 'the bread and butter of the facility.'

" 'I'm optimistic. I want to believe it's going to be OK,' Schmolka said, "but ... we cannot assume that money is going to fly in the door here.' " -- Jordan Press, Kingston Whig-Standard
To be fair, from this vantage point it seems like a particularly virulent strain of buyer's remorse is going through Kingston city council. This gives us an idea of how the Springer Frontenacs need to get better at playing the game -- not hockey, but the ol' public image scrimmage.

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