Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Who knew you could go too far in wrestling

Apparently, at least in the WCW, there is a line. No murder fantasies.

UPDATE: I've been informed the WCW doesn't exist and this dude was only fired from some radio gig. Still, if you hire a former pro wrestling commentator to do a radio gig, don't you kind of expect him to say really insensitive things? Maybe Hardcore Sports can give the guy a call. From what I can tell an ability to drop the F-Bomb every three seconds is the biggest job requirement there, so he'd fit in.


Tyler King said...

"The WCW" doesn't exist anymore...

Duane Rollins said...

And there ya go. OK, apparently there is a line that former WCW announcers can't cross.

Do people still watch that stuff? I haven't since, you know. Hulk-o-mania was running wild.

Robert C. said...

I remember that Mark Madden idiot popping up on WCW near the end of that promotion.
More a case of them hiring a jerk, for shock value. WCW fired him too which shows you something. When wrestling kicks you out and ESPN Radio picks you up something is weird in the world.