- This is the kerfuffle over Sidney Crosby's "lacrosse goal" from his days in Rimouski times about a hundred: The soccer world is a-twitter over the "seal move" 19-year-old Brazilian phenom Kerlon Moura Souza pulled last weekend, heading the ball off his forehead several times in succession. Not that we know much about footy, but if a guy has the flair and the skills to pull it off, good for him.
Souza suffered a similar violent tackle after pulling the move in a junior match two years ago. - Since crime and punishment vis-à-vis NFL players is such a hot topic, what does everyone think about good-guy Steelers wideout Hines Ward, MVP of the Super Bowl in 2006, is being accused of defrauding business partners? Thing is, people have such a blind spot to white-collar crime. (Link via Epic Carnival.)
Apparently Minka Kelly's Friday Night Lights character, Lyla, is going to become a god-squadder. This means less chance of seeing the future Second Mrs. Sager* in a bra during the second season, eh?
Booooooooo. Some of us have become great fans of Lights -- it helps masks the reality of being home alone every Friday night.- Jose Mourinho, manager of Chelsea in the English Premier League, informed his players via text message that he was quitting. It's a far cry from 1977, when Eddie Stanky was manager of the Texas Rangers and called three players from a payphone to say he was quitting. Why only three? He probably ran out of quarters.
- After a summer of beating our head over the wall over John Gibbons with the Jays, it's good that Raptors' Sam Mitchell is back to confuse and confound us even farther. So Smitch had better things to do with his summer than watch his players at the EuroBasket, and we're surprised how?
That's all for now. Send your thoughts to neatesager@yahoo.ca.
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