Wait wait wait, that so came out wrong. Way back in June there was a post about the Pillow Fight League -- where women have pillow fights in front of paying audiences. (The PFL steers clears or sports bars and adult clubs, or any place favoured by frat-boy types who might have trouble mustering the proper ironic detachment needed to watch women grow empowered by swinging pillows at each other with great zest.)
Anyway, a line from that post made it to a wire service story that was picked up by the Sunday Times of London ("Pillow fighting goes professional," Jan. 21) and The Australian ("Fighting like a girl next big contact sport," Jan. 22) late last month.
"Most of the early audiences featured what one female onlooker described as 'that leering, creepy-old-man element in the crowd.' Neate Sager, a Canadian sports columnist, wrote: 'I'll leave it in your hands whether this is postmodern irony or something that sets women back, oh, 40 years.' "Crazy. Not that Out of Left Field was referenced as far away as Australia -- but that its writer was identified as a "Canadian sports columnist."
Pillow Fight League
Fighting like a girl next big contact sport (The Australian)
From Profound to Prurient: The Pillow Fight League (June 2, 2006)
That's all for now. Send your thoughts to neatesager@yahoo.ca.
1 comment:
The Canadian PFL is not nearly as hot or tough as the American version - pillowfightusa.com. These girls get special mixed martial arts and wrestling training. Just watch their videos and those from teampfu.com. You'll see.
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