Your guess is good as mine what Ricky Williams is thinking, but he isn't treating his term with the Toronto Argonauts as a one-year layover.
Williams told the National Post's Sean Fitz-Gerald yesterday that he wouldn't mind remaining in Argos' double blue beyond 2006: "I was thinking it wouldn't be bad to come back up here and kind of follow the same steps as Pinner (Argos coach Pinball Clemons) -- play here a couple years and maybe get a chance to coach up here ... Because I really like Toronto, I really like this organization ... you can live here, you know? You feel like you have a life."
You can already hear the sports radio types in the States -- callers and hosts alike -- cracking wise about how he probably likes the Canuck weed too. After all, he's probably heard people asking, "How are the Buds looking this year?" Please, someone tell him that's a hockey team.
Obviously, Ricky is certifiable. He said he liked Toronto.
Just kidding. He would walk away from millions of dollars if he didn't return to the NFL and Miami Dolphins, but you have to wonder if there's part of him that's rejected that lifestyle. Maybe he's determined to live out the idea that you don't need to be rich, but you need to have a rich life.
It's a little ironic that he would find such bliss in Toronto, which Mordecai Richler famously derided as "the country's counting room, where money makes for the most pleasure." No matter. It's worth filing away a mental note so you won't be surprised if he does try to stay in the CFL after this season. Crazier things have happened.
That's all for now. Send your thoughts to
Effectively Wild Episode 2274: All Hall
5 hours ago
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