Saturday, July 29, 2006


Just a short post before the Jays and A's get underway shortly after 4 p.m.

  • Cool Standings gives the Jays a 5.2% chance of making the playoffs. The Twins remain the wild-card favourite; the Angels are pegged to win the AL West with 83 wins.
  • Complaint: Yours truly's first stop on the 'Net nearly every day, without fail, is the Kingston Whig-Standard's website to look for news from my hometown. Osprey dailies usually have decent website, but today, the Whig's hasn't even been updated as of this writing -- it still has Friday's new stories. This has been happening a lot lately. Ottawa Sun readers surely know there was a major news story out of K-Town.
  • The Leafs are going to be selling female-friendly pink replica sweaters next season. It's an idea whose time has come -- teams should offer merchandise that's tailored to the taste of female fans (and non-traditional males as well).
  • Which segues into: is it OK for a male to read chick-lit, if he's got a goal of finishing 50 books this year, hasn't had time to get a library card and the chick-lit review copies keep showing up at the office? Discuss.
  • Proof Adam Smith's "Invisible Hand" was bunk: Tim Allen has a movie coming out next month.

Update coming a little later. That's all for now. Send your thoughts to

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