Friday, April 21, 2006


Hi, I'm Neate Sager.

If the name means nothing to you, well, you're not alone.

Who am I? I'm the guy people tend to overlook. I'm every guy you didn't notice as you passed by him on the street, or in the parking lot. I am the dud from the Dream Date board game. I'm every bordering-on-30 guy who feels like the past decade has been a lifetime -- someone else's lifetime, because that balding guy with glasses that I see in the mirror every day, he ain't me.

Hell, in some ways I am you, that part of you that you don't like to acknowledge, the part who wants to stay in bed all day, re-read a favourite book, watch reruns, reorganize your CD collection and debate weighty philosophical questions with himself, "Would the Vikings have won the Super Bowl in 1999 if Gary Anderson hadn't missed That Kick?"

Damn, Sager, that was a nice segue.

Yes, this is a blog about sports, but not in the typical sense.

I was a sportswriter in the conventional sense, at dailies in small Canadian towns (I'm now a copy editor at the Ottawa Sun). Since early 2003, I had a blog called Out of Left Field at I'm grateful I had that outlet, of course, but I figured blogging here might give me more exposure, and allow the small army of Out of Left Field-ophiles to keep getting their fix.

Yes, I actually think blogging here might mean exposure. This is akin to Rick in Casablanca saying he moved there for the cool weather.

Let's just make one thing clear: I was early to the sports-bloggin' game.

I'm not just another directionless soul who read Bill Simmons, Baseball Fever and Deadspin, saw an overcrowded marketplace and said, "Me too!"

I was one of the first directionless souls to book passage on this Love Boat. So take that, suckers! Anyway, I hope that gives you a brief glimpse of what my life is like, even though I'm not yet 35, divorced or livin' in a van down by the river.

All in good time, friends. All in good time.

By the way, any idea who that guy is at the top?

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